Voice Lessons for Children

As a parent, you want to do all you can to nurture your child’s talents and passions. For many children, this natural passion is singing. This leads many parents to look for voice lessons for children.

I hear all the time from eager parents who want to encourage that passion and talent with voice lessons. What a beautiful gift that nurturing spirit is! I applaud all parents who want to lean into their child’s natural gift by getting voice lessons for that child. As parents, we want to lean into our children’s interests. We want to provide guidance and prepare them for a life fully realized. What better way to do that than encourage a love of music and singing?

Children love to sing! Voice lessons for Children
Children are natural singers!

With that sentiment in mind, there are some things to consider when you are searching for voice lessons for children.

The first consideration for voice lessons for children.. is the voice ready?

Studying singing is a physical proposition. Over the course of a lifetime, the human voice will go through obvious physiological shifts. The most profound changes occur in childhood and adolescence. When considering voice lessons for children, the first consideration should be the physical readiness of the singer. Most voices will not be physically ready for serious training until they have gone through that initial change in puberty.

The second consideration for voice lessons for children.. Is the Child ready?

We’ve covered the physiological considerations of the voice. When thinking about voice lessons for children, you should also consider the intellectual , artistic and emotional maturity of the singer. Voice Lessons require mental focus. You are often dealing with anatomy and repetitive training. You must also navigate the challenge of music theory and reading. Most young children will not have the intellectual stamina for a proper voice lesson.

What is the best way to encourage my Child’s Singing talent?

Parents looking for voice lessons for children want to find an outlet to encourage positive growth. What can they do that will be productive for their young singer? Rigorous voice lessons are often not age appropriate. A lesson that keeps the focus on play can be beneficial. Young singers can and should learn sight singing and the fundamentals of music theory. There are lots of low cost and very effective options out there to encourage young singers.

Child Singing in a Choir
Children’s Choirs are a Great place for young singers to start!

Get your child involved in Musical Theatre. Have your little singer join a children’s choir. Encourage her to take piano lessons. Most importantly, avoid voice lessons for children that are not age-appropriate. Any lesson or childhood singing activity should be rooted in play and exploration. The serious study can and should wait.

For more practical ideas and tips for parenting talented young singers, check out this episode of the masterYOURvoice podcast.

If your child is ready to start on her vocal music journey, reach out to Heidi Vass and schedule a consultation lesson today. You can take lessons in her Thousand Oaks, CA studio or Online from anywhere.