Singer Spotlight on Jeremiah Gray!

College: CLU

Major:  Music Production

Year: 2019

How long Have you been singing? 

Since I joined choir at 18!


emerging professional 

Principal Genre

Alt-rock, Gospel, Classical

What Artists/Musicians have influenced you/your work? 

U2, Muse, Jeff Buckley, Coldplay, Hozier 

What does your dream gig look like?

Ideally, to be the composer/songwriter for a show/movie that I believe in, incorporating elements not just of underscoring, but using my voice and songwriting to write tunes that become emotionally synonymous with the storytelling. 

Most Memorable Performance/Career Milestone:

My gospel song ‘The Promised Land’ being synced by the Scottish Government for an ad campaign. 

“Ah-ha” moment in your journey as a singer:

Finally understanding what it meant to raise your soft-palate after it being an abstract concept I pretended to understand for years. 

What advice do you have for young singers/musicians just starting out?

Build a strong technical foundation. Practice. It allows you to be free vocally in ways you otherwise wouldn’t.  

Why do you sing?

I couldn’t imagine using my voice solely for speaking. We have so much within us. Singing is a powerful conduit to reach others and yourself. 

What is your idea of the perfect “day off?”  OR  Tell us one fun fact about yourself  

– Reading Hemingway in the sun, writing reflections on the day, surfing my favorite spots!

– I call my music project JAAG for my initials, Jeremiah Angeles Anthony Gray. 

Any upcoming projects you want to share? 

I am currently writing my first album! Deep in the thick of 10 songs that will be coming out this year. The album will feature elements of gospel, disco, alt-rock, and dark pop. 

How can people get in touch with you or follow you?

Spotify: Spotify:


